Reginald D's
Ten Commandments of Success
The First Commandment: Take your vision and write it down and make it plain.
The Second Commandment: Start removing things that are going to hinder
you from getting to your dreams.
The Third Commandment: Start putting things in your life to help you
accomplish your dreams.
The Fourth Commandment: Keep working the process and never cut corners.
The Fifth Commandment: Have confidence in yourself. Believe that you can get it done.
The Sixth Commandment: Outwork everybody around you.
The Seventh Commandment: Measure your growth. See how far you've
come and then keep pushing.
The Eighth Commandment: Always have gratitude and thank God for your blessings.
The Ninth Commandment: Sow seeds into yourself and other people. Be a blessing.
Sow more and you'll get more.
The Tenth Commandment: Don't quit. Don't ever give up. Get up and get it done!
Tune in to the full episode: "The Magnet To Your Blessings: Sowing Seeds Of Greatness." on Apple Podcast and let's continue this journey of growth and empowerment together.
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Reginald D is also a motivational/inspirational speaker and life/motivational coach. To book Reginald D for speaking engagements or life coaching visit our website at (https://realtalkwithreginaldd.com) Book Online | Real Talk with Reginald D